IF its worth doing then do it, take risk because those are your chances to succeed, if you are great thinker then generate a habit of taking action immediately, to learn a skill is one thing but to action is another thing, every entrepreneur must have this habit, the more you hestistate the more you lose your chances of succeeding, when it come on taking risks take calculated risk, not reckless one

Never reduce your target no matter what, make sure you do everything possible to achieve them, do not reduce your target, they say aim for the stars and you will hit whatever you want and for God sake do not let fear or greedy cloud your judgement, fear comes when you face too many challenges and you think you ain't gonna make it but do not let fear astray you away from your targets just keep pushing until you make it. one of the habit of successful people is to never give up on something they believe in, the late steve job even got fired from apple but he keep struggling and they hired him back and became a CEO

another habit you should have is keeping statistics on vital stuff, statistics will give you a full determination of where you were and where are you right now and where are you heading, if you are making loses you will know and if you are making profits you will know too, keep track of your expenses as i explained in previous posts, keep records of your assets and liabilities...how much do your assets returns and how much advancements do you need...how far are you from your targets or how close are you , statistics are what defines you

Make decisions quickly there is no one to make decisions for you, you are in charge of your dreams and goals..do not let people tell you what to do because after all it your goals not theirs, make a decision if it is a yes or no there is no maybe, who are you leaving that too...for you to have  better decision making that will handle every challenge you need a sophisticated plan, the plan that you do not hesitate to follow, keep in your mind that the faster you are in deciding the greater output you will get

Make sure you wake up early as possible, the time we wake up defines most of us because most of determined people wakes up early do exercises, get breakfast, and then work so hard and smart toward their goals while others wakes up at middle of the day skip exercises watch movies , don't follow any plan , dont keep track of any expenses, late sleep...but determined people they sleep early so that they can be up early

And that is the plan you press where it hurts ..if one of your tricks worked you double it down as long as it gives us profits we double down until it stop

Be courageous everyday you wake up, motivate yourself , make your goals inspire you, do everything you can to make sure you are staying motivated as higher as possible. even if it is your side hustle do not say you are tired , work as hard as you can to achieve your goals because from my point nothing matter than achieving your goals

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