There have been some very good answers. Taking vitamin C at intervals throughout the day was one. Cleaning up your diet and exercise were others.
Another would be to drink enough pure water to help clean and eliminate the substances in your lungs as well as other areas of your body. Water is known in chemistry as the universal solvent. Don’t overdue the water though. “Too much of a good thing”—”THEY” don’t make those old sayings without a reason! You know who “THEY” are don’t you?
If or when you are able to, buy a package of balloons and practice blowing them up. This will give your lungs an exercise that provides some resistance.
Are you or can you get into condition for some challenging exercise? If you are able to do all out sprints at an athletic field do so. The heavy breathing, gasping for air at the completion of a sprint that leaves nothing in the tank will promote healing. Another way to reach the point where you are gasping for air would be to do heavy sets of deadlifts to failure. That works—trust me on that! Light barbell pull overs so as not constrict the ribcage by contracting the muscles over it and a complete inhalation when the bar is at the end of the movement behind your head to expand the ribcage both externally using the bar and the pressure of your lungs from the inside. Use a somewhat wider than shoulder width grip to assist in opening up the ribcage. This expanding the ribcage will allow your lungs to gain some room and increase their capacity.
Lastly, Google “Live O2”. If you can find “Live O2” sessions available near you it would be beneficial. At points throughout the session 15% oxygen is available alternated with periods of 100% oxygen. When cells are starved of oxygen, at 15%, and then 100% oxygen is available they suck the oxygen in like a man who has been dying of thirst drinks water. The effect can last for three days. Oxygen is very healing.
These things will help restore your lungs to whatever their optimal strength and health will be.

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