The Works

The works that are the subject of this tender comprises the proposed residential house at Plot No, Kinondoni Municipality, Dar es Salaam.
The works comprise construction of residential with associated civil and services. This tender evaluation report is for the builder’s work, associated  services installation works as detailed in the Bill of Quantities. The tenders have been submitted by each bideer as detailed in this report.
Scope of the works

The works to be carried out under the contract comprise of the following:
Tender invitation

The following bidders were invited to tender for the works and bid documents were issued and collected by the following firms;
The tenders were to be returned to the office of in Dar es Salaam



Only two bids were submitted to the offices of in Dar es Salaam by the closing time for the submission of bids.
The bidders who submitted their bids are listed here below:
a)      J
b)      J
c)       J
The tender sums, as read from the documents received, are shown in table 1 below, ranked from the lowest to the highest tender received together with the pre-tender estimate for the works:

Table 1: Tender Results and Pre-tender Estimate
Tender sum as indicated on Form of Tender(VAT Inclusive)(TZS)
Completion Period

Tender analysis and evaluation tables summarizing the results of the evaluation of all two tenders have been attached as tables 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 in this report.
Overall comments, conclusions and recommendations from analysis are presented in the following pages.


3.1  General


The tenderers who submitted their bids and who have been recommended for further examination and analysis were examined and evaluated as described in this report.

3.2   Tender’s Classes of Registration with Contractor’s Registration Board


We have checked the classes of registration of the tenderer’s from the register of the Contractor’s Registration Board and have observed that the tenderers are registered as shown in Table 2. The selected tenderer shall be required to produce certified copy of registration, including that of payment of annual subscription fees.
Table 2: Classes of Registration of the Tenderers with Contractor Registration Board
Bidder’s Name
Class of Registration
Maximum value of Work under one Contract


From Table 2, it is confirmed that some of the tenderers exceed their class limits


3.3   Tender’s working experience in projects of similar nature and magnitude.


We have checked the submitted documents from all bidders from their past working experience in projects of similar nature, size and associated works. The following are our observation and findings from their submission as shown in table 3

Table 3: Past working experience in projects of similar nature, size and associated works
Bidder’s Name
No of projects of similar nature
No of projects of similar magnitude

From the Table 3, it is confirmed that some of the tenderers have no past working experience in projects of this nature and magnitude.


3.4   Examination of Bids

The bidding documents were examined for responsiveness to the general and technical submitted requirements and bills of quantities. The following submittals were required to accompany the bids:
a)      Program of Works
b)      Method Statement
c)       Schedule of Resources
d)      Procurement Schedule
The analysis of the received bids based on the above criteria is as indicated in Table 4.

Table 4: Declaration of Availability of Materials, Plant, Supervision and Skilled labour
Bidder’s Name
Programme of Works
Method Statement
Schedule of Resources
Procurement Schedule
Score %


The No. bidding documents evaluated are now assessed for the following:
a)      Arithmetic errors
b)      Comparison of bidders’  corrected tender sums with lowest tender
c)       Comparison of Bill of sections summaries
d)      Comparison of bidders’ rates for major items with each other and pre-tender

4.1   Arithmetic Errors

The tenders were checked for errors in extension, totalling and transfer to summaries. The Assesment results are as shown in Table 4 below:
Table 5: Arithmetic Errors

Tender Sum as indicated on Form of Tender(VAT INCLUSIVE)
Corrected Tender Sum-
Error as a % of BW

4.2   Comparisons of bidder’s tender sums with lowest tender

Corrected Tender Sum (VAT INCLUSIVE)
Pre Tender Estimates(VAT INCLUSIVE)
Deviation from the Pre-tender Estimate(VAT INCLUSIVE)
Deviation from the Pre-tender Estimate as a percentage(%)

From Table 6 above reveals the general high pricing of the tenders received from Contractor. For further analysis and evaluation refer item( Comments and observations)

4.3   Comparisons of bidder’s tender sums with lowest tender


The comparison of the bids with the lowest tender was done. The comparison is as shown in Table7

Table 6: Comparison of bidder's corrected bid price breakdowns with the lowest tender

Corrected Tender Sum (VAT INCLUSIVE)
Deviation from the Lowest Tender(Corrected)
Deviation from the Lowest Tender as a percentage(%)

From Table…….. you will note that after the correction of errors the ranking has changed and the lowest corrected tenderer is now…….

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